vineri, 23 august 2013


Most of the social events, that you have participated, have had alcoholic drinks. There is no party or festivity that is complete without some sort of drink. Drinking is more a thing that belongs to the culture and tradition of different countries. Every country has different alcoholic drink recipes that are used to celebrate certain things. This is well known because people find some cocktails so appealing that they replicate them in other countries than the one that the beverage has came from. This is how the number of recipes has grown so much. This evolution means that people are interested in various drinks and different recipes. This is how the making of a cocktail has become an art. There are many aspects that should be considered when making a cocktail. Not just anyone is good at this. You need to think about a few details that could make or break your work. You don’t just have to mix things and hope for the best, especially when you are making the beverage for someone else. You need to make sure that you are well educated on the subject. You need to consider the taste and the kind of drink you are using for your cocktail. For instance you can’t use just about any type of fruit juice with beer. You can’t use pineapple juice with beer. This is a very strong no. you need to make sure that the tastes go with each other and complete each other. For instance, if you use beer as a part of the cocktail you could also use lemon juice. Although the lemon it is a fruit it goes well with beer. Although most of the drinks are served with ice, this is not a rule. There are some that are not meant to be served that cold. You should know those drinks and how to properly serve them. Most of the cocktails are meant to be served with ice or even refrigerated. You should know that difference between alcoholic drink recipes that are meant to be served ice cold or not.

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